icrtest.c - sample code for building ICR graphics apps
US EMACS KCHR - install in your System file before using Option as emacs metakey
The Fonts Folder:
Mishawaka - This suitcase contains regular and bold versions of Mishawaka, in 9, 10, and 12 point sizes. This is a very good font for terminal emulation.
CourierWeb Telnet - a version of Courier especially modified to display every single valid ISO character. This version has been specially modified to work well with BetterTelnet; specifically, italic and PostScript versions have been removed (BetterTelnet can't make good use of the italic version, and the PostScript version is available separately from the web site below), and the bold version has a separate family name, "CourierWeb Telnet Bold". To get the original CourierWeb, which is better suited to web browsers than CourierWeb Telnet (because it has an italic version and because the bold version is part of the same family), visit the following web site:
This web site also houses a PostScript version of CourierWeb for improved printing and display at large sizes.
Note that, to use any ISO characters in BetterTelnet, you must edit the Favorite you're using (via Favorites/Edit Favorites...) to use ISO 8859-1 translation.
Copyright Information for the CourierWeb Font:
Copyright ゥ 1997 by William I. Johnston.
CourierX, CourierOE, and CourierWeb fonts are based on Courier 10
Pitch BT, a set of free modifiable fonts that were donated to the